It is possible to make a fishing hook out of a soda tab, but it's important to keep in mind that it may not be as trustworthy or successful as using a fishing hook that has been made by a fishing hook manufacturer. However, if you're in a survival situation or don't have access to fishing equipment, you can try making an alternative hook out of a soda tab by following these instructions:

Supplies required:

1. Metal or aluminum soda tab

2. Multi-tools or pliers with a cutting edge


1. Remove the soda tab from the can carefully, being careful not to bend or damage it.

2. Prepare the tab: Straighten up the soda tab as much as you can with pliers or a multi-tool. Make sure the tab's loop is long, flat, and expanded.

3. Form the hook: Take one end of the tab, and bend it slightly into the shape of a hook. This will act as the fish-catching hook's pointed end. The hook on the other end will be used to attach your fishing line.

4. Sharpen the hook (optional): To improve the hook's effectiveness, try developing the pointy end using an angle grinder or other sharpening equipment if you have access to one.

5. Attach to fishing line: Once your soda tab hook is prepared, attach it firmly to your fishing line using a proper knot, such as the enhanced Palomar knot.

6. Bait the hook: To attract fish, bait the hook. Effective baits can be little pieces of food, insects, or worms.

7. Cast and wait for a bite: Drop your homemade hook into the water. Use the right fishing methods and exercise patience to improve your chances of success.

You should be aware that this kind of hook might not be extremely strong and could easily bend or break when being used, especially with larger or tougher fish. Although it's always preferable to have appropriate fishing equipment on hand, in a pinch, you might be able to survive by using this makeshift soda tab hook.